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Visual Arts Open Lecture: Siku Allooloo

Johnson Witehira, Waka, 2014.

The Visual Arts Lecture Series presents talks by leading Canadian and international artists, curators and academics. Join Siku Allooloo, faculty for The Space Between Us program, for this talk.

Siku Allooloo is an Inuk/Haitian Taino writer, land-based educator, and community builder from Denendeh (Northwest Territories). She writes creative nonfiction and poetry, and has a diverse background in cultural land-based programming, youth development, research, and solidarity. Her work centres on decolonial ethics, resurgence, transformation, and radical love. She participated in the 2015 Indigenous Writers Program at Banff Centre, and has collaborated on several artistic projects, including In Conversation: Notes on Becoming an Accomplice (2017), The Way in Which It Was Given to Us (2017), and this world; here (2018) and Mirrored in Stone (2018). Her writing has been featured in Briarpatch Magazine, The Malahat Review, The New Quarterly, The Guardian, and Surrey Art Gallery Presents, among others