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Films From the Mountain Film Festival and World Tour

Community outdoor film screening

Photo by Joanna Croston.

Bring a blanket and the whole family for two nights of inspiring mountain film programs under the stars! 

Films include: Fuego, The Best Skier You've Never Heard of, One Degree #Peru, Subterranean (Tour Edit), Mustafa Ceylon, Driving Sweep, Range Rider, and Two Point Four.

(2023, France, 7 min)
Filmmaker: Pierre Henni, Kilian Bron
Advisory: None    

An ode to escape and adventure travel, Fuego is a new mountain biking masterpiece. From Guatemala to Peru via Bolivia, the team scoured the most beautiful spots for two months bring back breathtaking images. Kilian Bron rides from the foot of the Fuego volcano the day before its historic eruption, to the colourful facades of Barrio Chualluma in La Paz, through the geological formations of the Valle de las Animas to an unforgettable meeting with the Cholitas Escaladoras.

(2023, Sweden, 8 min)
Filmmaker: Marcus Ahlström, Mattias Fredriksson, Stellar Equipment             
Advisory: None    

Adrien Grabinski needed a change. After a successful ski racing career that took him from the Alberta team to the Canadian national team as a junior, he ventured further west. He discovered his true calling at Shames Mountain, a remote little co-op non-profit ski area near Terrace, B.C. The mountains, the snow, and the big lines first captivated him, but the local ski community truly stole his heart.

(2023, France, 15 min)
Filmmaker: Alex Lopez, Riding to Explore         
Advisory: None    

Armelle Courtois and Martin Thomas seek out the highest glacial lakes – over 5,000m above sea level – to try and break the altitude record for kitesurfing. Their sporting challenge quickly takes on a new objective: to raise awareness about the consequences of melting glaciers and inspire change.

SUBTERRANEAN (TOUR EDIT)                  
(2023, Canada, 40 min)
Filmmaker: François-Xavier De Ruydts, Jenny Rustemeyer, Cold Fingers Films
Advisory: Coarse language    

In a remarkable year, two gritty teams of hobbyist cavers are poised to break records for the longest and deepest caves in Canada. After discovering a flooded underground chamber, Katie, a daytime accountant, becomes obsessed with returning to the Bisaro Anima cave in the Rockies to push the caving depth record. At the same time, a passionate Vancouver Island team is attempting to link two tunnel systems to create the longest known cave in the country. From abyssal, muddy crawls to heart-pounding, vertical pits, and underwater squeezes, these are places where no person has been before.

(2022, Switzerland, 12 min)
Jules Guarneri, Benoît Goncerut, Cause         
Advisory: Coarse language    

This is the story of a young Turkish immigrant, destined to play football and take over his parents’ kebab restaurant. But one day, fate put a pair of skis in his way.

(2023, USA, 10 min)
Filmmaker: Greg Cairns, Cairns Film
Advisory: Coarse language    

Few river guides ever get the chance to drive Idaho’s iconic sweep boat. Driving Sweep follows Katie Veteto as she learns how to “drive sweep” down the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. She’s learned the rapids and the river. Now she learns to drive 4,000lbs down steep rocky rapids.

(2023, USA, 30 min)
Colin Arisman, Wild Confluence Media
Advisory: Coarse language    

As wolves repopulate Washington State, conflict is heating up with rural ranching communities. Range rider Daniel Curry's job is to patrol wild areas on horseback, creating a buffer between wolves and the cattle herds that graze on public lands. When these wild carnivores are suspected of killing livestock, the consequences for wolf packs can be fatal. As illegal poaching and state sponsored kills take their toll, can Daniel prove that coexistence between ranchers and wolves is possible?

(2023, United Kingdom, 20 min)
Filmmaker: Natasha Brooks, Leo Houlding
Advisory: Coarse language    

Not your typical family holiday, but this is not your typical family. Leo Houlding, his wife Jess, their two children Freya (9yrs) and Jackson (5yrs) climb Norway's national mountain via a 2,000ft big wall.